Tech Policy

Hi delegates!

Hope you all are having a great week so far. Thank you to everyone who submitted their Position Papers to be considered for Research Awards! For everyone else, the final deadline for your Position Papers is February 10th 2019. A reminder that we will not be considering any papers submitted after February 3rd 2019 for Research Awards.

Now, I would like to direct your attention to the tech policy for NATO at BMUN LXVII. Our committee will be an "unmod tech" committee, which means that laptops, tablets, phones and other electronic devices are only permitted during unmoderated caucuses, and for our THIMUN committee, during lobbying in the first committee session on Friday. During debate, all electronic devices are to be placed inside your backpacks.

Of course, if there are separate circumstances that require you to use electronic devices during debate, please write to us and let us know. You are also welcome to approach us during conference before we begin debate to inform us. We will accommodate you to the best of our abilities.

Finally, please don't forget to keep studying the THIMUN Guide! This has everything you need to know for committee.

That's all from me for now! As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via this blog, or by shooting us an email at

- Suma


  1. Thank you so much for this information! This blog post clarified a lot of logistics regarding THIMUN and procedure and helped my co-delegate and I understand more about BMUN! Can't wait to see you during committee!

    -The Delegation of France

    1. You are most welcome! Excited to see you in committee very soon! :)


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